まずはUbuntu 14.0インスタンスを用意します。
Python APIを導入する
次のコマンドを実行してPython APIを導入します。sudo apt-get install python-openstackclient
Compute→Access & Security→API Accessを開き、Download OpenStack RC Fileボタンを押します。
# To use an OpenStack cloud you need to authenticate against the Identity
# service named keystone, which returns a **Token** and **Service Catalog**.
# The catalog contains the endpoints for all services the user/tenant has
# access to - such as Compute, Image Service, Identity, Object Storage, Block
# Storage, and Networking (code-named nova, glance, keystone, swift,
# cinder, and neutron).
# *NOTE*: Using the 2.0 *Identity API* does not necessarily mean any other
# OpenStack API is version 2.0. For example, your cloud provider may implement
# Image API v1.1, Block Storage API v2, and Compute API v2.0. OS_AUTH_URL is
# only for the Identity API served through keystone.
export OS_AUTH_URL=https://xxxxxxxxxxxx.com:5000/v2.0
# With the addition of Keystone we have standardized on the term **tenant**
# as the entity that owns the resources.
export OS_TENANT_ID=588ce32358c4494088c070548f1f233a
export OS_TENANT_NAME="sandbox"
export OS_PROJECT_NAME="sandbox"
# In addition to the owning entity (tenant), OpenStack stores the entity
# performing the action as the **user**.
export OS_USERNAME="matsuos"
# With Keystone you pass the keystone password.
echo "Please enter your OpenStack Password: "
# If your configuration has multiple regions, we set that information here.
# OS_REGION_NAME is optional and only valid in certain environments.
export OS_REGION_NAME="RegionOne"
# Don't leave a blank variable, unset it if it was empty
if [ -z "$OS_REGION_NAME" ]; then unset OS_REGION_NAME; fi
chmod +x openrc.sh
openrc.shを実行してOpenStack APIの認証情報をセットします。
. ./openrc.sh
nova list
| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |
| e7bc2bd0-37db-409e-84bc-b2adf868d14d | NW_test1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | internal=, |
次のコマンドを実行して、APIドキュメントを参照します。pydoc cinderclient.v2.volumes
Help on module cinderclient.v2.volumes in cinderclient.v2:
cinderclient.v2.volumes - Volume interface (v2 extension).
class Volume(cinderclient.base.Resource)
| A volume is an extra block level storage to the OpenStack instances.
| Method resolution order:
| Volume
| cinderclient.base.Resource
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| __repr__(self)
| attach(self, instance_uuid, mountpoint, mode='rw')
| Set attachment metadata.
| :param instance_uuid: uuid of the attaching instance.
| :param mountpoint: mountpoint on the attaching instance.
| :param mode: the access mode.
| begin_detaching(self, volume)
| Begin detaching volume.
| delete(self)
| Delete this volume.
| detach(self)
| Clear attachment metadata.
| extend(self, volume, new_size)
| Extend the size of the specified volume.
| :param volume: The UUID of the volume to extend
| :param new_size: The desired size to extend volume to.
| force_delete(self)
| Delete the specified volume ignoring its current state.
| :param volume: The UUID of the volume to force-delete.
| initialize_connection(self, volume, connector)
| Initialize a volume connection.
| :param connector: connector dict from nova.
| migrate_volume(self, host, force_host_copy)
| Migrate the volume to a new host.
| reserve(self, volume)
| Reserve this volume.
| reset_state(self, state)
| Update the volume with the provided state.
| retype(self, volume_type, policy)
| Change a volume's type.
| roll_detaching(self, volume)
| Roll detaching volume.
| set_metadata(self, volume, metadata)
| Set or Append metadata to a volume.
| :param volume : The :class: `Volume` to set metadata on
| :param metadata: A dict of key/value pairs to set
| terminate_connection(self, volume, connector)
| Terminate a volume connection.
| :param connector: connector dict from nova.
| unreserve(self, volume)
| Unreserve this volume.
| update(self, **kwargs)
| Update the name or description for this volume.
| update_all_metadata(self, metadata)
| Update all metadata of this volume.
| update_readonly_flag(self, volume, read_only)
| Update the read-only access mode flag of the specified volume.
| :param volume: The UUID of the volume to update.
| :param read_only: The value to indicate whether to update volume to
| read-only access mode.
| upload_to_image(self, force, image_name, container_format, disk_format)
| Upload a volume to image service as an image.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from cinderclient.base.Resource:
| __eq__(self, other)
| __getattr__(self, k)
| __init__(self, manager, info, loaded=False)
| get(self)
| is_loaded(self)
| set_loaded(self, val)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from cinderclient.base.Resource:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| human_id
| Subclasses may override this provide a pretty ID which can be used
| for bash completion.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from cinderclient.base.Resource:
| HUMAN_ID = False
class VolumeManager(cinderclient.base.ManagerWithFind)
| Manage :class:`Volume` resources.
| Method resolution order:
| VolumeManager
| cinderclient.base.ManagerWithFind
| abc.NewBase
| cinderclient.base.Manager
| cinderclient.utils.HookableMixin
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| attach(self, volume, instance_uuid, mountpoint, mode='rw')
| Set attachment metadata.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
| you would like to attach.
| :param instance_uuid: uuid of the attaching instance.
| :param mountpoint: mountpoint on the attaching instance.
| :param mode: the access mode.
| begin_detaching(self, volume)
| Begin detaching this volume.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
| you would like to detach.
| create(self, size, snapshot_id=None, source_volid=None, name=None, description=None, volume_type=None, user_id=None, project_id=None, availability_zone=None, metadata=None, imageRef=None, scheduler_hints=None)
| Create a volume.
| :param size: Size of volume in GB
| :param snapshot_id: ID of the snapshot
| :param name: Name of the volume
| :param description: Description of the volume
| :param volume_type: Type of volume
| :param user_id: User id derived from context
| :param project_id: Project id derived from context
| :param availability_zone: Availability Zone to use
| :param metadata: Optional metadata to set on volume creation
| :param imageRef: reference to an image stored in glance
| :param source_volid: ID of source volume to clone from
| :param scheduler_hints: (optional extension) arbitrary key-value pairs
| specified by the client to help boot an instance
| :rtype: :class:`Volume`
| delete(self, volume)
| Delete a volume.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to delete.
| delete_metadata(self, volume, keys)
| Delete specified keys from volumes metadata.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
| :param keys: A list of keys to be removed.
| detach(self, volume)
| Clear attachment metadata.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
| you would like to detach.
| extend(self, volume, new_size)
| force_delete(self, volume)
| get(self, volume_id)
| Get a volume.
| :param volume_id: The ID of the volume to delete.
| :rtype: :class:`Volume`
| get_encryption_metadata(self, volume_id)
| Retrieve the encryption metadata from the desired volume.
| :param volume_id: the id of the volume to query
| :return: a dictionary of volume encryption metadata
| initialize_connection(self, volume, connector)
| Initialize a volume connection.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID).
| :param connector: connector dict from nova.
| list(self, detailed=True, search_opts=None)
| Get a list of all volumes.
| :rtype: list of :class:`Volume`
| migrate_volume(self, volume, host, force_host_copy)
| Migrate volume to new host.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to migrate
| :param host: The destination host
| :param force_host_copy: Skip driver optimizations
| migrate_volume_completion(self, old_volume, new_volume, error)
| Complete the migration from the old volume to the temp new one.
| :param old_volume: The original :class:`Volume` in the migration
| :param new_volume: The new temporary :class:`Volume` in the migration
| :param error: Inform of an error to cause migration cleanup
| reserve(self, volume)
| Reserve this volume.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
| you would like to reserve.
| reset_state(self, volume, state)
| Update the provided volume with the provided state.
| retype(self, volume, volume_type, policy)
| Change a volume's type.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to retype
| :param volume_type: New volume type
| :param policy: Policy for migration during the retype
| roll_detaching(self, volume)
| Roll detaching this volume.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
| you would like to roll detaching.
| set_metadata(self, volume, metadata)
| Update/Set a volumes metadata.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
| :param metadata: A list of keys to be set.
| terminate_connection(self, volume, connector)
| Terminate a volume connection.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID).
| :param connector: connector dict from nova.
| unreserve(self, volume)
| Unreserve this volume.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
| you would like to unreserve.
| update(self, volume, **kwargs)
| Update the name or description for a volume.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to delete.
| update_all_metadata(self, volume, metadata)
| Update all metadata of a volume.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
| :param metadata: A list of keys to be updated.
| update_readonly_flag(self, volume, flag)
| upload_to_image(self, volume, force, image_name, container_format, disk_format)
| Upload volume to image service as image.
| :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to upload.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| __abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
| resource_class = <class 'cinderclient.v2.volumes.Volume'>
| A volume is an extra block level storage to the OpenStack instances.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from cinderclient.base.ManagerWithFind:
| find(self, **kwargs)
| Find a single item with attributes matching ``**kwargs``.
| This isn't very efficient: it loads the entire list then filters on
| the Python side.
| findall(self, **kwargs)
| Find all items with attributes matching ``**kwargs``.
| This isn't very efficient: it loads the entire list then filters on
| the Python side.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from cinderclient.base.Manager:
| __init__(self, api)
| completion_cache(*args, **kwds)
| The completion cache store items that can be used for bash
| autocompletion, like UUIDs or human-friendly IDs.
| A resource listing will clear and repopulate the cache.
| A resource create will append to the cache.
| Delete is not handled because listings are assumed to be performed
| often enough to keep the cache reasonably up-to-date.
| write_to_completion_cache(self, cache_type, val)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Class methods inherited from cinderclient.utils.HookableMixin:
| add_hook(cls, hook_type, hook_func) from abc.ABCMeta
| run_hooks(cls, hook_type, *args, **kwargs) from abc.ABCMeta
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from cinderclient.utils.HookableMixin:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
from os import environ as env
import cinderclient.client
cinder = cinderclient.client.Client("2",auth_url=env['OS_AUTH_URL'],
volumes = cinder.volumes.findall(name = volume_name)
if len(volumes) > 0 :
print volume_name +' is already exist'
else :
volume = cinder.volumes.create(volume_size, name=volume_name)
print volume_name +' has been created'
python create_volume.py
matsuos-vol1 has been created
matsuos-vol1 is already exist
cinder list
cinder delete の後ろにペーストして実行すると削除されます。
Python APIを使ってCinderボリュームを作成するのは簡単ですね。
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